Drug-Free Solutions for Kids
Nyema Hermiston
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Meet Nyema Hermiston
Originally a Registered Nurse, Nyema studied naturopathy, then specialised in homeopathy. She has been President of the Australian Homeopathic Association NSW, Executive Officer of the Australian Register of Homeopaths and is currently President of the homeopathic charity The Aurum Project. She also holds a BSc Hons from Middlesex University in London.

Nyema has a special interest in acute childhood illnesses so young children avoid side effects of medications. Concern about the numbers of children with behavioural and learning disorders has led her to explore their potential causes.

Publications include Treat Your Child's Ear Infections Yourself, Treat Your Child Yourself, a Parents' Guide for 100 common Childhood Conditions. Also, Good News for People with Bad News; a collection of 41 stories of people from people around the world who used different ways to recover from serious illness. She addresses a wide range of health issues in her blog, Treat Yourself

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