Nutrition & Lifestyle that Support Mitochondria
Soulla Chamberlain
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Meet Soulla Chamberlain
I am the creator and director of Star Anise Organic Wholefoods, which I started in my home kitchen 2010. I grew up in Queensland to Greek-Cypriot migrant parents in a household where homemade food and entertaining was part of the very fabric of our daily life.

Before having my children, I worked as a corporate lawyer for over 10 years in Sydney and Melbourne. After too many years of long hours, high stress, eating a low fat/high grain vegetarian diet, and engaging in other poor lifestyle choices, I suffered a series of health crises. When my first-born baby (who we were raising as a vegetarian) ended up in hospital, this was the powerful catalyst for me to turn to a nutrient-dense traditional wholefoods diet after researching ancestral diets. Out of desperation, I started making organic bone broth, broth based soups, sauerkraut, chicken liver pâté, kombucha, activated nuts and slow cooked casseroles from pastured animals - because at that time, none existed in the market.

In a short space of time, my little family and I went from barely surviving to thriving all from changing our diet. This is when it struck me that food really is the most powerful medicine known to mankind. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine was right when he said almost 2500 years ago "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food".

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